Thursday, May 8, 2008


If you're in the Los Angeles area check our newest production (click to enlarge), "Illegal Alien" executed yesterday by OZ. and SEVER near the intersection of Hollywood and Western. Waiting on the hate mail from the Minutemen- not to mention a cease and desist from Cross Colors.


Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

That is fucking AWESOME/ RETARDED... -But mainly awesome. I would have liked to have seen a traditional style alien in there as well; -Like the grey dudes with the big heads, big eyes and skinny bodies. said...

On the over/under our money's on RETARDED... You diggin' his goon hand? What else can I go back and add? A grill's kinda played... was thinkin' braces or maybe headgear? Suggestions? said...

The alien you're talkin' about is what I smoke my trees out of son...